Ear Nose and Throat
Ear Nose Throat Department interested in with diagnosis and treatment of diseases that occur in external acoustic canal, middle ear, tympanic membrane, nose, throat, vocal cords, upper part of oesophagus and facial nerves as well as pathologies located between inner ear canal and brain. If surgery procedure is required when non-invasive treatments and medications cannot improve the condition in question.
Basic Services of ENT Department:
Acoustic neuromas (tumors of the balance nerve that affect hearing)
Diseases of the ear
Hearing loss
Balance disorders (vertigo, dizziness and unsteadiness)
Facial paralysis (facial movement disorders)
Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery
Nose and sinus disorders
Vocal health and voice disorders
Cranial Base (tumors and disorders of the base of the skull)
Head and neck oncology (cancer)
Sleep disorders