Bone Marrow Transplantation
Bone marrow transplant applications are also an important treatment approach in the treatment of hematological diseases. Stem cell, or popularly known as “bone marrow transplant”, is used in the treatment of blood cancers by obtaining stem cells from blood and umbilical cords as well as bone marrow, thanks to new developing technologies. Stem cell transplants are named as “bone marrow transplant”, “peripheral stem cell transplant” and “cord blood transplant” according to the source from which the stem cells are obtained, as well as according to the person from whom the stem cells are obtained for transplantation.
Bone Marrow Transplantation
 If the person’s own stem cells are used for transplantation, it is called “autologous stem cell transplant”, if transplantation is performed with stem cells from a healthy donor, it is called “allogeneic stem cell transplant”. The methods of application of both types of transplantation, their therapeutic effect mechanisms and the risks they pose for the patient are different from each other.

Common types of blood cancers such as leukemias, lymphomas and multiple myeloma constitute the disease group in which stem cell transplantation is performed predominantly.
Also, diseases that cause bone marrow failure, some solid organ cancers and hereditary diseases such as thalassemia, which are very common in our country, and some immune system diseases are also important areas of use.