Patient servıces
We will be your best friend in this travel so we have to know each other.Every detail is very important for us.We give our patients a document that is called like Patient Questionare which is a set of questions you have to answer.This answers are a key of our service.We plan your medical service details and the other service statements under this informations about you.

Your safety and comfort our priority in every part of your medical travel.We service to you with the leader and the biggest transportation professionals.Well equppied,comfortable,luxury vip transfer cars and professinal drivers are waiting to transfer you everywhere in Turkey.We offer this service to you every time you want during your medical travel.

Our team members goal is to give you a indivisual and unforgetable patient experience because you and your health is our preority.For this reason,by the first second you decide to be our guest you will have a patient representitive who is located only for you.Your representitive always beside you everytime you need us for every thing you need.

The cost of your medical care and treatment is the major effect of your approval.After check and plan your medical process we give you treatment plan options with different dinamics in a evet short time.We provide our patients the best and fast price quote owing to strong and professional operation relationship with our partners.

We service to our patients with our years of tourism experience and professional staff .We sure that you find the most suitable and best priced flight tickets with us from the variety of best airlines we offer.We also service for all your transactions such as price tracking, cancellation / refund, change, suspension / closing, ticketing for your flight ticket reservations. On the other hand,if a visa application is required for your arrival we assist to you for the process of getting visa.All legal documents and legal visa applications follows by our team members carefully. Tighten your seatbelt and be ready for the take-off,enjoy your flight.Because we are waiting to you at the airport for welcoming and than a healing healty story will start for you..

There is no certain result about human health.There is only a good treatment and a comfortable healing process.Tursium Health medical team main purpose is to choose for patients correct health instution and also correct specielist for the treatment process.Our medical consultant team check out your medical Reports and offer you the best and most avaliable hospital and doctor by under your medical informations with years of experience in the healthcare industry.

We also provide our patients Home Health Care services for who inpatient care is unavailable or unsafe, and for patients who have been discharged from hospital, are recovering, or need additional support to remain safely at their accomandation.(hotel,short term accomandations etc.)
We are ready for you with our team members that is come together with professional nurses and doctorsÂ

Your home is the safest and most comfortable place to stay.But you are far away from home for a medical travel.We understand your concern and think about every single detail about you.We are servicing to you with our contracted hotels which you feel like home when you stay.Comfort,luxury,elegant,near your hospital, city center or the biggest is all about what you want.We make your reservation based on your wishes and also the most suitable for your medical program.
We believe that you will have the best accommodation experience with Tursium.

In a medical travel,even every step is planned carefully,uUnexpected surprises can happen.For this reason as Tursium we decided to protect you about for this unpredictable results.We give you a health insurance issued by one of the biggest insurance company.Dental Complications,Hair Transplant,orthopedic department,gynecology,general surgery,and also cardiac surgery complicaitons are the basic medical branches of this insurance.